Saturday, September 8, 2007


Yesterday was Arianne's debut, the "supposedly" end of the trifecta of debuts that I'm gonna be attending to. Techinically, it's really the tail of the three but there's already a new set of parties that I'm invited [invited or force? LOL!] to go to.

Anyways, it was at Purple Ostrich at Island Cove in Kawit, Cavite. The place is of course familiar since it was the same place where we had our JS Prom both for our junior and senior year [which made me think once again that I was robbed of a Prom prince/King title! LOL!] The party started at almost 8:30 though the invitation said seven but it's because the debutante's class was extended for that day!

Oh well, I was wearing a green long sleeve because they said that the motif was earthy colors, and though it's a toss up between dark yellow and dark green, I went with the latter since the dark yellow was unavailable since it is at the laundry shop.

Only few batchmates went, which is surprising because I didn't expect that many won't show up, though by judging the invitation, only few classmates were a part of the eighteen lists. I'm a part of the 18 Gerberas which in layman's term is simply 18 Roses. Gerberas, according to Hazel [not a reliable source! Kidding!] is a Turkish kind of flower.

The funniest part of the ceremony was the 18 Shots because most of those who were originally part of it were absent, so they just called on fillers, which was the role of most Burix members for the night, and all were surprised because they had nothing to say. What's funnier though, is that the emcee of the night, a Nene Tamayo [PBB Season 1 Big winner] look alike slash a DJ in the hittest radio station in Cavite, keep on butchering all of the names one after the other. From A-rah Dulog [re: Airra], to Rizza Hermosa [re: Hermoso], to Monique Salud [It should be sa-LUD, not SA-lud] to Maria Merexe Vale [she read Merexe with the last letter as a silent one and Vale as in "veil"] Vale, up until to her tongue twistered pronunciation of Hazel's surname, I was so thankful that she didn't butcher mine! Haha!

Incidentally, it was also her parents' silver anniversary! Wow! That is so good. [one, because they lasted that long, and two, because the debut costs expensive, why not make it a two in one celebration? LOL!] Arianne also performed twice [thrice if you count the singing part] that night with the Cotillion, and the Candyman performance.

No one danced THAT much to the disco because most of the DJ's song we're danceable. [sarcasm!] and when I say danceable, I mean those European music that one can hardly move his/her body to. But, of course, most of the songs rocked, but we're not just into out dancing personalities that night.

I was wondering how much stress would it be for the debutante if she finds out that someone from her entourage is absent, because that would be really nerve-wracking. Oh well, don't need to care bout that anymore, because as long as one invites me, it would be a pleasure and you can count me in.

Here are some pictures: [though it's difficult to get one since the stage is quite far, and there's some problem with the lightning of the venue and with my digicam]

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